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Case study

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Information materials

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TOP 10

Check out 10 reasons why you should choose eAuditor.

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Cybersecure Local Government

Learn about the main principles within the program.

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TOP 8 functionalities

Discover innovative solutions that enhance the level of IT security

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Cybersecurity in the Medical Industry

Actions to Increase Cybersecurity Level.

Pdf material

eAuditor information folder

Comprehensive support for IT departments with an intuitive system for managing, monitoring, inventory and ensuring IT security.

Pdf material

Employee Panel Information Folder

The employee’s panel allows quick access to the most important information about the user. The employee gains his own information panel, through which he can read information about his hardware, software or permissions.

Pdf material

Comparison of systems for IT departments

Learn about the most desirable functionality in information systems used by IT departments in large organizations.

Pdf material

Advantages of a Web Application

Comparison Table of a Web Application and a Desktop Application, Using the Example of the eAuditor System and Competitive Solutions.

Pdf material

System Update Conditions

Description of the Conditions for Updating the eAuditor System from Lower Versions to eAuditor V8 AI

New articles

Secure installation of applications
Monitoring IT

NIS2 #12: Employee monitoring

Employee awareness is the first step in protecting against cyber threats, and the NIS2 directive (…)

Monitorowanie serwerów
IT Security

Data security with eAuditor IAM in the context of RODO

Nowadays, data protection is one of the key challenges for companies (…)

IT inventory

Inventory of IT equipment and assets in one place

In today’s world, IT infrastructure and asset management is (…)

New case study

Case study

Implementation of eAuditor in the Municipal Office in Choszczno

Case study

Implementation of eAuditor at the County Office in Sławno

Case study

Implementation of eAuditor at Macrix Polska Sp. z o.o.



Patch management

Explore the functionality of the latest version of the eAuditor V9 AI system


Comparison of systems for IT departments

Learn about the most desirable functionality in information systems used by IT departments in large organizations.


Remote Computer Management

A detailed description of the eAuditor system’s capabilities related to remote management of computers located outside the network.


BTC AI Website Classification

Introducing the solution of applying artificial intelligence to website classification.


BTC AI Process Classification

Presenting the solution of applying artificial intelligence to the classification of system processes and applications.


BitLocker remote encryption

BitLocker in eAuditor enables encryption of external and internal drives, thus reducing the risk of data leakage.



The Configuration Management Database allows the storage of information about IT infrastructure components, enabling the display, modification, and provisioning of all system resources, known as configuration items (CI).


Network printer monitoring

Network printer monitoring supports management of printing devices and allows automatic reading of current printer alerts.


Authentication using keys

Authentication with enables additional security of user credentials during the login process.


My Dashboard

My Dashboard indicates all the most important properties of the system, allowing the user to determine in the panel the information he or she directly cares about or would like to constantly monitor.


Administrative notifications

Administrative notifications allow you to send key information and ensure a high level of security for your IT infrastructure in real time.


Network Dashboard

The Network Dashboard shows a table of connections between devices connected to the network and the services they connect to, along with the recorded average time required to establish that connection.


ACL Manager

The function of ACL Manager is to present permissions for local resources and shared resources (local and network).


Sensor monitoring

The function enables real-time monitoring and alerting of incidents occurring, related to the technical condition of the organization’s key equipment.


WorkTime Manager

WorkTime Manager enables intelligent presentation of activity data of employees and groups of employees (including those working remotely).


Website monitoring

The web services monitoring function determines in real time the availability of the application server and the visibility of web pages on the Internet.


Learning Management System (LMS)

It’s an advanced system that enables employee training through public and private videos posted in the console.


Remote installation

This is an advanced feature that allows you to mass install executable files on computers in your organization.


Application kiosk

Functionality that allows employees to install verified by IT departments without the need for administrator credentials.