IAM management

  • Access automation
  • Control of entitlements
  • Central access management
  • Audit of entitlements

Table of contents

How does the entitlement request processing work?

Schemat IAM

Privilege management

Zarządzanie uprawnieniami
Employees submit requests for new resource permissions, which are automatically sent for approval.
The process is intuitive, minimizing the risk of errors.
The system automatically executes accepted requests, eliminating errors and speeding up the process.

Decision makers review and approve applications, with full insight into applicant data and potential conflicts.

Administrators manage the authorization lifecycle, with full auditing of activities.

The system supports internal audits by identifying risks and nonconformities.

Change management

Zarządzanie zmianami
The system allows the creation and approval of plans for changes to the IT infrastructure, minimizing the risks associated with the their implementation.
Monitor the implementation of changes, according to the schedule, with automatic documentation of the process.

Absence and substitution management

Zarządzanie nieobecnościami_zastępstwami
Employees enter absence information, which is automatically sent to the appropriate people.
Automatically appoint a deputy for entitlement requests and other tasks.

Management of the application approval path

Zarządzanie ścieżką akceptacji wniosku
The system allows you to create, modify and delete approval templates.
The templates specify the Active Directory account responsible for accepting or rejecting the request, based on the parameters indicated by the user.
It allows recording such data as the name of the template, description of the application/service/profile, approval steps, and identification of the approver (login, position, department).
One template can be used for multiple permission definitions, provided that the parameters and criteria match.

Privilege and access management

Learn about eAuditor IAM during a free presentation

Definitions of entitlements

Definicje uprawnień

The system allows the creation, modification and deletion of permission definitions for applications or profiles covering multiple services.

Determining the type of entitlement, status and support group, with the possibility of verification.

Define a support group and assign an approval template, with parameters required for registration.

Directories and statements

Kartoteki i zestawienia

Centralized storage and controlled access to data on users, resources and permissions.

Generate operational and strategic reports based on collected data.

Support portal

Portal pomocy technicznej
Users can quickly create technical requests that go to the appropriate support team.
Users track the status of requests in real time, with access to request history.
Access to an updated knowledge base for self-solving problems.


IAM management – questions and answers

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