Monitoring of the server room

Find out how to counter and prevent server room failures

What is server room monitoring?

It is a process aimed at overseeing the resources and utilization rate of a server or group of servers. Most often it involves controlling the main processor, taking into account the environmental conditions in the server room. Monitoring usually includes the air temperature prevailing in the room, humidity or the presence of smoke. This makes it possible to react quickly in the event of malfunctions and disruptions to the server room. In addition, this process also allows to prevent the occurrence of potential threats. In the situation of observing an increase in temperatures in the server room, it is possible to quickly identify the source of the problem and thus prevent, for example, overheating.

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Effects of inadequate server room monitoring

The disks located in the server room store data related to the operation of the company. Their loss or unavailability can lead to many crisis situations. In addition, the server room often conditions the operation of the entire organization and is responsible for the proper functioning of company equipment. Its potential failure affects downtime, thus generating high losses related not only to the suspension of work, but also delays in the delivery of supplies or services. In addition, the server room monitoring system makes it easier to plan its expansion and the correct setting of, among other things, cold air vents for those areas that need it most. That’s why it’s so important to provide security guarantees for an organization’s server room. For this purpose, it is worth using a comprehensive information system that offers access to parameters affecting the correctness of the infrastructure’s operation.

What elements of the IT infrastructure should be monitored

Monitoring of the server room in the eAuditor system

One of the functionalities in the eAuditor system is the ability to sensor monitoring, which alerts on occurring incidents related to the technical condition of key equipment in the organization. The software protects server rooms from unexpected incidents and failures and prevents them from occurring. It also allows you to assign specific devices to a specific location. This makes it possible to remotely monitor, among other things, temperature or humidity levels even in distributed server rooms. This is a great convenience for administrators responsible for their proper functioning. Moreover, the eAuditor system allows monitoring of individual parameters in real time from any device, thanks to a web-based console. In addition, it informs the user when critical values are exceeded in the server room by sending an e-mail or a message in the system console.

Selected types of sensors in the eAuditor system that increase the level of security

Type Description Destination
Temperature sensor Allows you to control the condition of the air in the server room. Sensor with high sensitivity, indicates the actual temperature measurement, which should be between 15°C-30° If the temperature is too high, it can lead to overheating and damage to key components, or even fire. Too low a temperature unnecessarily increases the demand for electricity
Humidity sensor Reads and controls the concentration level of water vapor in the server room. The recommended humidity level ranges from 45 %RH – 60 %RH Exceeding the recommended humidity causes an increase in static electricity charges, which can result in damage to electrical equipment
Water leakage sensor Detects excessive liquid levels in a server room. Water sensors, in the form of two-state instruments, react immediately and detect leakage, minimizing risk and financial loss The most common cause of failure of electrical equipment in water is due to corrosion. Damage caused in this way is costly and difficult to repair, so it is worthwhile to properly and effectively protect against it
Electric current sensor Monitors the current in the server room The current sensor gives a comprehensive view of what is happening in the server room, helping to determine the power consumed by the server. In this way, the administrator prevents the unnecessary use of excessive amounts of electricity, aiming to optimize it
Light intensity sensor Measures light intensity, thanks to a smart sensor The light sensor is used in detecting the presence of people in the server room. It allows quick reaction in case, for example, an unauthorized person enters the controlled room.
Gas leak sensor Detects the threat of gas leakage. Allows detection and detection of flammable gases Failure to monitor gas levels can lead to fire and damage to equipment in the server room
Smoke detector Controls the smoke status in the server room The smoke sensor is equipped with an optical chamber, so it can more effectively detect the level of smoke. When its excess is identified, a relay is activated, giving an audible and optical signal

Want to know all the types of sensors in the eAuditor system? Check out our website and find out what other functionalities we have on offer.

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