Automatic offboarding of employees
How to effectively manage employee entitlements?
Automatic offboarding of employees
Effective management of employee privileges, especially upon termination, is crucial to the security of corporate data. Automatic offboarding allows for quick and error-free revocation of privileges, minimizing the risk of unauthorized access to confidential information. eAuditor IAM offers the “Return of Privileges” functionality, which significantly simplifies this process.
How does the “return of authority” work in eAuditor IAM?
Return of privileges allows generating a request for revocation of privileges through a simple form. The system interface allows you to register a request with the following information:
- Applicant – a logged-in person who creates an application.
- Persons to whom you want to revoke rights – indicate the person or persons affected.
When the requested user is indicated, a full list of his active permissions is displayed. Views in the System:
- For the user – the ability to return only their own rights.
- For the supervisor – the ability to select any subordinate and request the return of his authority.
- For the business owner – the ability to select any user from the list of active authorizations, only applications previously approved by this owner are displayed.
Restrictions and notifications
Limitation of the deadline for returning entitlements – requests can be issued up to 30 days ahead. Attempting to exceed this deadline results in the message “The date cannot be more than 30 days ahead”. Automatic notifications – the system sends automatic notifications to administrators when the “Return all entitlements” button is used.
Benefits of automatic offboarding
With the “Return of Privileges” functionality in eAuditor IAM, the process of offboarding employees becomes simpler and more secure. Automation minimizes the risk of errors, saves administrators’ time and ensures that no unauthorized person has access to company resources after the termination of cooperation. Implementing the “Return of Privileges” functionality in eAuditor IAM allows companies to effectively manage accesses in accordance with the “Zero Trust” principle. This not only ensures data security, but also streamlines administrative processes, especially in the context of employee offboarding. Automating this process is a step toward modern and secure management of company resources.